Saturday, July 7, 2007

The hardest habit, for me is #4, " Have confidence in yourself as a competent, effective learner." My past learning experience in school and also my childhood has hindered my learning habits. I had a low confidence level as a child and was very shy and afraid. I did not get involved in things or try new things because I was feared of making mistakes and afraid I would be told I was stupid. Those fears are still in me when I start something new. But each time that I accomplish something new, in my adult life, it has showed me that I can do it if I set my mind to it! So here it goes! I can do this!


Barbrarian said...

What a great, positive attitude you have! By the way, is that the big tree in the Poland Woods?

Shortlegs said...

Love the tree! You are doing a great job. I love that you are having fun. Here's to learning more new things.

Awad said...

Nice picture!

Winter Concert 2009

Johnny Depp Calendar